Colored Sand Terrarium – 21 Simple Ideas for Adorable DIY Terrariums

Terrariums are fun, self-sustaining little ecosystems where you can grow various plants. They are usually glass containers full of soil or sand, although plastic can also be used.

Recommended plants for terrariums are succulents, air plants, mosses, ferns, small cacti. Avoid large cacti or trees as these tend to grow bigger than the space allowed in a closed terrarium. Also avoid poisonous plants as well as ones that need direct sunlight exposure.

DIY Sand Art Terrarium

To Make This Sand Art Terrarium You Will Need:

  • Different colors of sand – if you want to do multiple layers of the same colors, I recommend buying 2 of each!
  • Clear bowl, vase, or jar
  • Plants of your choice (of course I chose succulents)
  • Handful of rocks
  • Stick or pencil

DIY Terrarium

Terrariums can be used to house plants of any type inside of a sealed glass container. This is a popular way to keep plants that may require high humidity or mild temperatures, such as tropical plants.

Many people use closed terrariums in their homes to create decorative pieces with plants and small rocks.

As you might imagine, it is quite easy for a closed terrarium to get over-watered because the excess moisture cannot escape. If your terrarium needs extra drainage, add some pebbles or gravel below the soil’s surface (mylar/plastic beads could also work).

Visit for 21 Simple Terrarium ideas! 

Lots of cute container ideas!

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